
Media Futures Hub members publish occasional research reports, detailed here.


Addressing Challenges Faced by Chinese and South Asian-Origin Communities in Political Participation and Media Literacy

Authors: Sukhmani Khorana (UNSW), Fan Yang (University of Melbourne) and Hao Zheng (Curtin University)

This toolkit summarises the five main challenges encountered in meaningful political participation and media literacy by Chinese and South Asianorigin research participants resident in Australia for at least 2 years. It also presents evidence based recommendations to address these challenges for a range of stakeholders such as political representatives, political party branches in culturally diverse electorates, electoral agencies, migrant community associations, diasporic media outlets, as well as mainstream national media. This document is informed by research findings from 192 quantitative survey responses and seven focus groups conducted with participants identifying as having South Asian or Chinese cultural ancestry. Survey findings have been presented in our submission to the ‘Parliament Inquiry into Civics Education, Engagement and Participation in Australia’ (Yang and Khorana, 2024).

Listening In: Community media and the politics of listening report

Authors: Tanja Dreher and Poppy de Souza

This report contributes to these vital conversations with a focus on the crucial role of community and alternative media, and of institutional listening in response to self-determined voice in media. Listening In analyses political voice and political listening against the backdrop of the media diversity debates. We focus on community media in Australia with its’ stated commitments to media diversity and to amplifying voices that are rarely heard in the mainstream. We ask to what extent the political voice enabled by community and alternative media is heard by decision-makers and opinion leaders in key democratic institutions of government and media.